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My name is Charles Ross and I'm the cartographer behind the maps created by Covid Maps PDX.  I am also a full-time environemental science student and geography research assistant at Portland State University.  I use Geographic Inforamation Systems (GIS) software everyday for school and work and have been creating maps for the past 5 years, so when the lockdown order came I decided to take up the challenge of aiding my fellow Portlandites the best way I can,  creating maps focusing on local resources and information on the coronavirus that would aim to inform and support the Portland community.

The maps below are all created by me in the spare time I have between work and school.  Information is gathered from government sources, public data, news articles, or the occasional google search when those first three options fail to yield anything substantial.  All information on these maps is accurate to the best of my ability, however working alone has some downsides, mainly you have no one else to run work by when you want to double check information or to get back useful critques. 

So I ask of you the viewer to fill this role.  If you notice anything out of place, incorrect, or lacking information, please let me know, I will do my best to fix any error so that my maps are as up to date and as accurate as possible.  

Thank you, and I hope these maps are able to do their job to help those in need.

Stay Safe and Stay Healthy

Charles Ross

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