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Updated Grocery Store Hours, and Hours Reserved for High Risk Customers

Hello Portland!

Recently I was having a hard time finding accurate information through google about the changes that most grocery stores are making in response to the cornovirus outbreak, so I thought I might make a few calls and compile a list for everyone to use.

In the above table is a list of the changed operating hours for most Portland grocery stores, and the special hours that some stores are offering that are now reserved only for customers that are at high risk of Covid -19 as indentified by the CDC.

If you think you may fall under the category for high risk you can find more information here

This table is the result of an open interactive webmap project, that I am currently working on, that will show grocery store locations as well as walking traveling time to each location. I know that in this compilation that I missed a few small independent grocery stores in the city, I want the information that I gather to be as wide spread and as accurate as possible, so if you know of a grocery store, and don't see it in the table, send the information my way so I can add it to the list, and eventually to the interactive map.

I hope this can reach a few people and help someone out.

Stay Safe and Stay Healthy Portland.

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