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Confirmed Cases of COVID-19

Another series of maps I have been turning my attention to is a series of maps that inform the public on the current status of COVID-19 cases in counties that surround Portland. The purpose of these maps are to inform and update the general public so that they can be aware of how the pandemic is progressing in our portion of the state. Map design currently only displays confirmed cases, however future maps will also display bar charts with data on confirmed cases, deaths, and recoveries. Information is collected from the John Hopkins COVID-19 worldwide tracking database and can be found on Github. The COVID-19 database is updated daily so I will try to put out a new updated map as often as I can.

As always, stay safe, stay healthy, and support your comminty

P.S Just realized the spelling mistake in the title, will be fixed on the next iteration, these things happen of course. :P

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